Jayne Mason
My Visionary Journey began in 1990 when I began to facilitate Visualisation Sessions for Athletes. I continued to study, train and become a master of energy work, with alternative modalities such as Atlantean Reiki Mastery and Channeling the Angelic Realms with Meditation and Pure Presence Practice.
I AM Pure Consciousness, Being In Oneness with Visionary Channeling to Author New Love Light Intelligence Books and Resources of Pure Love Light Wisdom, for Lightworkers and Star Seeds to Activate New Pure Consciousness Abilities In Oneness with their Soul Purpose and Unique Creator Heart Coherence.
Cosmic Joy Ki Love Light Ascension Guidance.
Pure Love Wisdom Coaching for Creators in Oneness with Pure Consciousness.
Bookings can be requested via Email.
An Author of Many Books and Resources available on Amazon ~ to help Humanity to Grow and Evolve with the power of pure love and pure awareness in the inspirational infinite dimensions of creator consciousness.
PURE FUN Collaborative Writing and Publishing Opportunities are also offered to Creators who have a passion for Creating New Earth Experiences and Resources with Cosmic Joy Publshing.
Sign Up for the STAR Newsletter for all offers.​
You are most welcome to sign up for a workshop, or to have support while Being in Oneness with Creator Consciousness as you grow and evolve as a creator in oneness with your ascesnion.
Work at your own pace on the golden heart path of Cosmic Joy.​
With love, light and joy, Jayne